Educational Videos
Sadly with the closing of schools and many other venues due to Covid-19 we we're not able to get out to do our educational programs this past year. Usually in the Spring most elementary schools are doing animals or environment for their science curriculum. Since we can't get out to schools we've decided to put together a series of YouTube videos on animal/wildlife/environmental topics utilizing our educational animals.
Our first video is on Animal Adaptations. Please keep in mind that we are pretty low tech here (I only had my phone to use to take a video) and I'm pretty tech clueless. It was a cold day so we did the video in my living room. Over the next several weeks we're going to post videos on other topics such as Native Species and Endangered Species.
If interested after each video we've also attached a optional questionnaire you can complete with your child on the content to the talk to review the information. Coloring Sheets for each animal we presented are attached too! Enjoy!
Video 1 - Animal Adaptations
Animal Adaptations Questions: (click PDF icon)
Animal Adaptations Coloring Pages:
Blue Tongue Skink Pygmy Hedgehog
Dumeril's Boa -
Video 2 - Protected Species
Protected Species Questions:
Protected Species Coloring Pages:
Boa Constrictor Red Knee Tarantula
Diamondback Terrapin
Native Species Coloring Pages:
Opossum Corn Snake
Eastern Box Turtle